Adinolfi & Lieberman, P.A.
There is a clear trend in family law issues for people to try to resolve their issues out of court, and rightfully so. Litigation in court is time consuming, costly and emotional. Resolutions out of court have a higher success rate of avoiding post-divorce litigation. Those out-of-court resolutions can occur either with attorneys working directly with the clients or with the clients sitting down with a third party for mediation, which is non-binding. In some instances, binding discussions called arbitration will occur with a third party who makes decisions instead of a judge doing so. In any event, an experienced family lawyer must be able to explain to his or her clients when out-of-court resolutions are appropriate.
(856) 428-8334
Andres & Berger, P.C.
Medical malpractice lawsuits do not increase the cost of health care. Preventing medical errors will dramatically lower health care costs, reduce doctors’ insurance premiums and protect the health and well-being of patients. Insurance companies are raising rates because of poor returns on their investments, not because of litigation or jury awards.
(856) 795-1444
Archer & Greiner, P.C.
(856) 795-2121
Capehart & Scatchard, P.A.
The law firm of Capehart Scatchard has represented businesses since 1876. Their best-kept secret is that they also perform legal work for individuals, whether they own a business or are simply looking for excellent help. They have attorneys for wills and estate administration, family law, real estate and other matters.
Mount Laurel
(856) 234-6800
Charny, Charny & Karpousis, P.A.
There seems to be a growing trend in the area of custody. For years, it used to be the mother of the child(ren) would more often be the primary residential parent. This was especially true with young children. Today, there is a growing trend for parents to share residential custody 50/50 and for more fathers to be named the primary residential parent. Both parties have equal rights to custody and parenting time of their children regardless of their gender.
Mount Laurel
(856) 505-1700
Davis & Mendelson, LLC
The lawyers at Davis & Mendelson are parents, as well as lawyers, and accordingly understand that family law matters frequently take an emotional toll on children. Consistent with the Children’s Bill of Rights, their goal is to always, whatever the issue, protect the best interest of the children involved in a family law matter. The judges they appear before and their clients accordingly appreciate how they always consider the impact upon their client and, just as importantly, their client’s children.
(856) 627-0100
Flaster/Greenberg’s Healthcare Department
If you are looking for an alternative to private practice, selling your practice to a private equity fund can provide a very lucrative exit strategy. A benefit of private equity funds is that they are typically well-funded, well-managed, and looking for growth opportunities. However, not every practice is going to attract private equity, and private equity is not necessarily the right choice for every physician.
Physicians looking for alternatives to private practice might consider joining a larger private practice group or a hospital or health care system. There are pros and cons to each.
With offices in South Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New York
(856) 661-2261
Law Offices of Cooper Levenson
Richard C. Klein combines decades of experience with a practical, compassionate approach to divorce, custody, division of assets and all facets of those trying times when families break apart. With the increasing rise of autism diagnosis among children, he possesses vast knowledge of the demand that parents face with special needs children.
Cherry Hill
(856) 857-5526
Martine, Galemba and Katz Scanlon, P.A.
When children go to college, you might think that child support should decrease, but recent case law suggests there is no presumption to decrease child support upon a child’s matriculation to college. Although some expenses decrease with a child living at college, other expenses (e.g. travel) increase. It is important to consider the child’s actual expenses before modifying child support.
(856) 396-9500
Michael J. Stein, Attorney-at-Law
In a divorce or break-up of unmarried parents, the court’s presumption is some form of joint legal custody. Are you confused between joint legal custody, sole custody and shared custody? Michael J. Stein can advise on the likely outcome regarding custody, and protect your legal rights throughout the process, while trying to avoid legal battles.
Moorestown and Mount Holly
(856) 642-0400
Musulin Law Firm, LLC
When scheduling the first consultation with a lawyer about a divorce or family law matter, make sure they check for conflicts of interest before meeting with you. Why? It would be uncomfortable to share your private information with an attorney, only to find out the attorney has already met with your spouse or another person involved in the case.
Mount Holly
(609) 267-0070
South Jersey Collaborative Law Group
The South Jersey Collaborative Law Group (SJCLG), a multi-disciplinary professional group, was formed in 2010 by professionals committed to helping couples divorce in a respectful, cooperative and non-adversarial way. The SJCLG is made up of collaboratively trained matrimonial attorneys, mental health and financial professionals who utilize a team approach to assist spouses in negotiating a settlement with a commitment by the spouses to resolve their differences outside of court. Their focus is to find solutions that work for the entire family, and help the spouses transition into separate homes and separate lives. This process preserves the family’s privacy, promotes cooperation and communication, and can be less expensive than litigating in court.
Serving South Jersey
Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.
Are domestic ‘’contretemps’’ domestic violence? A frequent issue in divorce cases is whether ordinary family arguments constitute harassment under the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, which is required for the entry of restraining orders. These types of disputes are not covered under domestic violence law as there needs to be a determination that an offense has been committed and further that a domestic violence order is necessary to protect a person or their property.
(856) 795-9400
Weir & Partners
The central focus of the firm’s practice is in business, banking, consumer and commercial litigation and transactions. A substantial portion of its practice is the representation of financial institutions in the areas of complex business disputes, loan documentation, bankruptcy, insolvency, creditors’ rights, lender liability, negotiable instruments, real estate transactions, environmental matters, regulatory work, consumer compliance and general litigation. The firm also has experience with the False Claims Act and other federal regulatory issues.
Cherry Hill
(856) 662-1018
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 1 (April, 2013).
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