Sponsored Content: South Jersey is Rising Up
There’s no denying we are in the middle of a trying time, but as a community known for its great resolve, there’s unwavering determination for all of us to get though this together and come out on the other side even stronger than before.
As we navigate through this pandemic eager to leave it behind us, changes are being made and life has been temporarily altered. However, South Jersey Magazine and our entire Del Val Media family remain steadfast in our mission to consistently go above and beyond for our loyal readers and dedicated advertisers. We are so thankful to be repeatedly welcomed into your home, office and beyond each month and it’s never something we take for granted. As a result, we are more focused than ever to put forth a high quality product that aligns us even closer.
You can rest assured that our products, both in print and digitally, will do our best to stay on top of the latest coronavirus developments, while also continuing to deliver the exciting and engaging content you’ve grown accustomed to expect from us.
In the meantime, we’d love to hear about how you have been coping during this difficult time, from juggling remote learning with the kids and working from home to the extremely creative ways you and your family have come up with to pass the time. Please reach out to editor@southjersey.com with your stories.
South Jersey Magazine
110 Centre Blvd. | Marlton
South Jersey Magazine
110 Centre Blvd. | Marlton