I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions, mainly because they always seem like I’m setting myself up for failure with these lofty goals that sound great during a holiday season full of binge eating (and drinking), but are about as realistic as a man surviving inside a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean for three days. Oh wait, bad example, that actually happened. Nevertheless, I am vowing to make one resolution this year and that is to do everything I can to make 2014 better than 2013. It sounds simple enough, but it’s so easy to get stuck in our routines of what we consider to be day-to-day life that it’s good to open your eyes every once in a while and come up for air.
Each January, we like to take a look back and reflect on the moments that stood out in the past 12 months. From investigative features to celebrity profiles, we’ve had a pretty good run of late. Turn to Page 52 to relive some of the best stories that graced our pages in 2013, as well as to get updated information on the news that’s broke since. You’ll also find a compilation of all our award-winning lists, from Best Physicians and Top Dentists to our annual Best of the Best and a recap of the finest sandwiches and pizza in South Jersey. It’s the ultimate resource guide no matter if you’re looking for an experienced attorney or the right person to fix your porch.
Of course, we’re not just looking back; we have an eye toward the future, too. This month, we introduce our latest feature called In the Neighborhood. Each issue, we’ll take a trip around South Jersey to find out what’s buzzing in our towns. First up, we venture to Mount Holly for a glimpse of the exciting things that have residents talking and town officials optimistic about modern advancements in a town so rich in history. And there’s more in the works, like our new food section that will debut in February, so stay tuned.
It seems like 2014 is already off to a good start; maybe this resolution thing will be easier than I expected. Probably not, but I’m sticking to my guns on this one. I mean what’s the alternative, join a gym?! Happy New Year everyone!
Kind regards,
Peter J. Proko
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 10 January, 2014).
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