How to talk like a true South Jerseyan
The differences between South Jersey and North Jersey are so night and day that it’s often been debated whether or not they should be separate states. But, what about when someone from up north migrates south? Or if a Midwesterner suddenly finds himself smack in the middle of a jughandle? It’s not an easy transition unless you can speak the language. Here are the things you need to know when you move to South Jersey.
Hoagie; Sub or hero
Jimmies; Sprinkles
Wooder; Water
Begel; Bagel
Pork roll; Taylor ham
Soda; Pop
Lunchmeat; Cold Cuts
Jerzee; Joisey
Shoobies; Bennies
Going down the Shore; Going to the beach
Youse; You all
Wooder Ice; Italian Ice
Mischief Night; Devils’ Night
Jughandles; Left turn lanes
What exit are you? ; Where do you live?
Wawa; 7-11
Iggles; Eagles
The city (Philly) ; The city (New York)
Great Adventure; Six Flags
Fill ‘er up; Pump your own gas
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 5 (August, 2015).
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