When it comes to family matters, whether it be caring for an older loved one or an unfortunate divorce, finding an attorney you can not only trust but count on to deliver is no easy task. Here we present our first-ever list of legal professionals who go above and beyond to get desired results in a variety of specialties from adoption to alimony to estate planning to matrimonial and many more. The list was devised by polling area firms for peer-to-peer selections as well as online reader nominations, leading us to more than 60 highly respected attorneys.
HOWARD Mendelson
“The most rewarding aspect of my career is the legacy of relationships I’ve formed over the course of my 27-plus years of practicing law. Many of my former clients, fellow lawyers, employees and even judges are now life-long friends. It’s very rewarding to have helped so many good people in so many ways and, as time passes by, to be able to look back and appreciate the relationships we’ve formed.”
JUDITH S. Charny
“As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a courtroom attorney. I longed to carry a briefcase and present to an audience. When the time came to choose my career path and faced with the choice of law or medicine, I didn’t waiver from my childhood ambition. A dislike for science made the decision even easier.”
D. RYAN Nussey
“Despite the fact [that] attorneys spend a considerable amount of time during their day reading, the act of reading for pleasure when time exists is a luxury I try to indulge. Mountain biking and running are also a great way to unwind.”
AMANDA Figland
“I started out working in medical publishing and found it to be boring. I wanted to do something more interesting and rewarding for a living—so I enrolled in law school. The best thing about my current job is that I am never bored.”
RON Graziano
“From when I was a little boy I always felt that lawyers were the real-life protectors of the people. I have always felt that a good, hard-working lawyer can get people through the most difficult stages of life—particularly divorce. … I represent people when life seems to be at its worst for them. In reasonably short order I am able get them back on a track toward fulfillment and happiness. If there is a better way to earn a living, I do not know what it is.”
KELLI Martone
“Helping my clients get to a better place in their lives during the course of the divorce is always rewarding. The most rewarding aspect, however, is getting my clients in abuse and neglect matters the help they need so that they can be the parents that their children miss, love and want desperately to raise them.”
GARY Borger
“[The most rewarding part of the profession is] seeing my clients come through the difficulties of separation and divorce in a stronger, healthier frame of mind as financially secure as their circumstances can provide, looking optimistically to the future for a better and more fulfilling life.”
ANGELA Titus McEwan
“The daughter of a client who died in the fall of Tower Two on 9/11 wrote me an email to express her gratitude to me for helping her family through a difficult time, and explained that my compassion and professionalism inspired her to pursue a career in law. All her words—what more validation do you need to know that you are in the right profession?”
MATT Podolnick
“I have a few ways I enjoy unwinding. In the winter time, I love to ski. In the summer, I run or hike outside. I particularly like running on the Boardwalk down the Shore. The third way I unwind, which I can do any time of year, is to cook. I make a ‘mean’ homemade meatballs and gravy, which takes about five hours. I’m told my meatballs, which I fry, are the ‘real deal.’”
“My father is an attorney and was a municipal court judge while I was growing up. I worked in his office while I was in high school and college and I saw firsthand how important it is for people to have an attorney help guide them through, what can be, the most difficult times of their lives.”
“I found that I wanted to be able to help people in an advocacy role. In my opinion, the fundamental purpose of the legal profession is to help others resolve their legal problems.”
THOMAS Jenkins
“I didn’t enter law school right after undergrad like many/most. I really didn’t consider law school until I reached 30, even though close friends had taken that route. I was an AVP in a bank in northeastern Pennsylvania. I was a branch manager, supervised 16 employees and approved and collected my own loans. I enjoyed the work but unfortunately there was little financial reward to go along with the responsibility. Literally, I turned 30 one week, was married the next and buried my mother the next. There was a need to put life into perspective. I needed a means to take care of my family and I saw law as that means. I have not been disappointed with that choice.”
2015 Best Family Law ATTORNEYS
Deena L. Betze
Cherry Hill
(856) 424-3444
Kevin Castro
(856) 719-8711
Donald Cofsky
(856) 429-5005
Kelly Newman
Haddon Heights
(856) 547-7888
Jennie Owens
(856) 795-2121
Debbie Spivack
Cherry Hill
(888) 899-6212
Peter Banfe
(856) 795-2121
Ronald Lieberman
(856) 428-8334
Child Support
Drew Burach
(856) 795-2121
Kevin Falkenstein
(856) 428-8334
AllynMarie Smedley
(856) 251-0800
Marybeth Baron
Maple Shade
(856) 861-3474
Gary L. Borger
Cherry Hill
(856) 424-3444
Thomas J. Jenkins
(856) 251-0800
Bruce P. Matez
Cherry Hill
(856) 424-3444
Divorce & Family
Robert J. Adinolfi
(856) 482-8334
Mike Bonamassa
(856) 596-2888
Phillip S. Burnham II
(856) 751-5505
Judith S. Charny
Mount Laurel
(856) 505-1700
Amanda Figland
Cherry Hill
(856) 795-3300
Amy C. Goldstein
Mount Laurel
(856) 234-6800
Ron Graziano
Cherry Hill
(856) 755-9800
Karen Karpousis
Mount Laurel
(856) 505-1700
Kelli M. Martone
(856) 240-7770
Nicole M. McCauley
(856) 428-7469
Andrew Micklin
Cherry Hill
(877) 580-2200
Melissa L. Mignogna
Mount Laurel
(856) 234-6800
Nickolas C. Mourtos
Mount Laurel
(856) 441-2000
D. Ryan Nussey
(856) 428-7469
Matthew Podolnick
(856) 662-0700
Sterling Rauf
(856) 906-9743
Andrew Rochester
Cherry Hill
(856) 489-6200
Megan E. Smith
(856) 874-4443
Michael J. Stein
Mount Holly
(856) 642-0400
Shari B. Veisblatt
Cherry Hill
(856) 795-3300
Michael Weinberg
(856) 795-2121
Domestic Violence
Steven Petersen
(856) 240-7770
Kathleen Stockton
(856) 795-2121
Elder Law
Charles C. Bratton
(856) 857-6000
Douglas Fendrick
(856) 489-8388
Estate Planning/Asset Planning
Melanie Levan
Maple Shade
(856) 861-3474
Angela Titus McEwan
(856) 795-2121
Barry Chatzinoff
Cherry Hill
(856) 685-1095
Michelle Ferreri
Mount Laurel
(856) 291-5810
Marquis Jones
Mount Laurel
(856) 441-2000
Natasha McLaurin
Haddon Heights
(856) 547-7888
Amy Rokuson
Cherry Hill
(856) 795- 3300
Katrina Vitale
(856) 845-5353
Alan Domers
(856) 596-2888
Howard Mendelson
(856) 627-0100
Christopher R. Musulin
Mount Holly
(609) 267-0070
Joseph Testa
(856) 428-8334
William Thompson
(856) 795-2121
Nursing Home Law
Robert Fogg
(856) 795-2121
Tommie Ann Gibney
(856) 795-1444
Michael Ringold
(856) 489-1515
Wills, Estates & Trusts
Jeffrey S. Apell
Browns Mills
(609) 893-1000
Thomas D. Begley III
Mount Laurel
(856) 234-6800
Yasmeen S. Khaleel
Mount Laurel
(856) 234-6800
John Lolio
(856) 662-0700
Jamie Shuster Morgan
(856) 489-8388
Jerold E. Rothkoff
Cherry Hill
(856) 616-2923
Robert A. Stewart
(856) 985-3086
Tara Zane
(856) 795-2121
Alan Zuckerman
Cherry Hill
(856) 661-2266
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 4 (July, 2015).
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