Click here for this month’s Scene photos.
JFinity Live at the Katz JCC
Photo 1. Lexus of Cherry Hill’s Tom Norton and Andy Cammer
Photo 2. JCC Development Director Brian Adler with JFinity Live Vice Chair Jennifer Sakaleros
Photo 3. JFinity Live committee member and board member Mark Dannenbaum and JCC President Donna Bell
Photo 4. Jay Roberts Jewelers’ Jay Golde and Jake Spigelman
Kingston Elementary School Celebrates World Autism Awareness Month
Photo 5. Cherry Hill’s Kingston Elementary School staff, students and faculty celebrated World Autism Awareness Month by forming the national symbol of autism awareness, the puzzle piece ribbon
Israeli Krav Maga of Cherry Hill’s Women’s Self Defense Fundraiser and Training Program
Photo 6. Israeli Krav Maga of Cherry Hill owner Don Melnick (left) and co-owner David Kahn present a check to Center for Family Services’ Kristine Seitz
Lourdes Dedicates Cardiac Testing Center
Photo 7. Lourdes Health System dedicated the Cardiac Testing Center at LourdesCare at Cherry Hill to Judith M. Persichilli, former interim president and
CEO of CHE Trinity Health and CEO of Catholic Health East
Voorhees Business Association’s 2nd Annual Bowling for Dollars
Photo 8. J.R. Wyndham Associates’ Robert Earl, StoneysTeam.com’s Brian Stoneback, Voorhees Business Association President Maria Byrne, Republic Bank’s Doug Rowe, SSTI’s Jay Levenson, Hampton Inn Voorhees’ Deborah Magaldi, and Joseph Buggy
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Magazine, Volume 11, Issue 2 May, 2014).
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