South Jersey lawyers offer years of varied experience.
When you meet with an attorney, you should ask very specific, detailed questions about his or her experience prosecuting malpractice cases and insist upon seeing a complete résumé. Make sure your attorney has the credentials, reputation and experience to handle a complex malpractice case.
Andres & Berger
Michael Berger, Esq.
(856) 795-1444
We focus solely on personal injury law. Our attorneys have aggressively protected the rights of our clients for more than 30 years. When you retain us, you become more than a client; you become part of our family.
Nursing home residents are often unable to communicate for themselves. Family members should be alert to the signs of physical abuse:
• Any unexplained injury
• Bruises, cuts, black eyes, welts
• Broken bones, sprains, dislocations
• Open wounds
• Broken eye glasses
• Sudden change in behavior
To learn if we can be of assistance to you, please contact us to arrange a free initial consultation and case evaluation. You will pay no attorney fees unless we win. In many cases, we are able to get legal fees and costs paid for by the opposition.
Dansky | Katz | Ringold | York
Michael S. Ringold, Esq.
(856) 489-1515
A class action is a court device that simply allows a case involving many people who have been aggrieved or harmed in a common or similar way to bring a mass case in an efficient, economical manner. The class process is used, for example, in cases alleging or concerning: product defects and false advertising (consumer fraud), employment disputes such as the failure to pay overtime or illegal deductions from pay (employment), residential construction defects such as stucco defects or mass design defects (construction defect), overcharging in real estate transactions and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act violations (RESPA), and oil spills (mass tort). In a class case, one or two named people stand in for the entire group of similarly aggrieved persons during the course of the litigation. These persons are referred to as lead plaintiffs or representative plaintiffs.
DeNittis Osefchen, P.C.
Stephen P. DeNittis, Esq.
(856) 797-9951
In family law, the slow real estate market and economy have caused an increase in the divorce rate. At the same time, it has decreased the amount of money that parties can spend to take their case to a judge. I see a move toward meeting with a mediator. The initial costs are similar, but the end results are achieved in a shorter time period. It is helpful to be able to offer that alternative.
Capehart & Scatchard
Amy C. Goldstein, Esq.
Mount Laurel
(856) 234-6800
We offer collaborative divorce, a new approach where the goal is resolving all issues in a non-adversarial manner, without going to court. Private information is kept out of the public record, children are better protected and the parties have greater control over the end-result, without leaving it up to a judge who may not understand your goals and needs. The parties are represented by collaboratively trained attorneys. Often, collaboratively trained financial advisors, child psychologists, family therapists and other experts assist with the process.
Charny, Charny & Karpousis, P.A.
Judith S. Charny, Esq.
Mount Laurel
(856) 505-1700
Davis & Mendelson is a law firm that finds cost-effective solutions for our clients; we are compassionate about helping our clients secure justice without hurting others and without spending too much money. We truly believe that all lawyers should be cost-effective problem-solving peacemakers; and we try to “walk the walk” every day.
Davis & Mendelson, L.L.C.
Howard S. Mendelson, Esq.
(856) 627-0100
The family Law Department at Cooper Levenson takes pride in its mission of providing sensible, caring and sophisticated representation. The years of experience combined with availability to our clients regardless of when the need arises make our Family Law attorneys uniquely qualified. Results oriented, we strive to resolve matters if at all possible, yet our years of trial experience and access to the finest experts assure comprehensive representation. When family issues arise, please call to thoroughly understand your rights.
Law Offices of Cooper Levenson
Richard Klein, Esq.
Cherry Hill
(856) 857-5526
Jeffery S. Karl, P.A.
Cherry Hill
(856) 486-0707
It is best to interview and research more than one attorney in order to determine the skill, knowledge base and reputation of the professional whom you hire to represent you in your important matrimonial and/or family law matter. Make sure that you have a high level of comfort for the lawyer whom you choose. Our law firm, focused exclusively on family law and matrimonial matters, strives to problem solve and obtain the best outcome for each and every client.
Musulin Law Firm, LLC
Christopher Rade Musulin, Esq.
Mount Holly
(609) 267-0070
Today’s jurors can be cynical of you and your potential claim. Documenting negligent acts when they occur is crucial. Use your smartphone to take photographs of an accident scene, defective product or dangerous condition before this evidence disappears. Jurors are often most persuaded by this “early” evidence at the time of trial.
Rossetti & DeVoto, P.C.
Lou DeVoto, Esq.
Cherry Hill
(856) 354-0900
Much of your carefully crafted estate planning may be rendered null and void by a divorce. The law in New Jersey operates to automatically revoke any dispositions made to your former spouse in any “governing instruments.” While this includes your will, it is also much broader in scope. With that in mind, after a divorce, it is important to
reconsider your estate planning, and then revise your will and update your beneficiary designations for any non-probate assets. Taking these important steps will give you peace of mind and ensure that your assets are handled and, thus, loved ones taken care of, in accordance with your wishes.
Weinberg Kaplan & Smith, P.A.
Brandon Croker, Esq.
(856) 795-9400
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 11 February, 2014).
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