SJM_Feature_Learning_to_Adapt_0720_FINAL_Pages 7 / 15 / 20 9 : 56 AM Page 10 Places of worship are also finding ways RELYING ON FAITH to keep connected to their members in In this time of social distancing , local religious communities addition to streaming weekly services , are finding unique ways to strengthen their spiritual bond . from calling frequently to make sure they BY JULIE SHANNON aren’t feeling socially isolated , holding virtual Bible study and other group dis - cussions as well as increasing social media OFTEN , IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY AND ANXIETY , PEOPLE TURN TOWARD THEIR FAITH presence by posting uplifting videos Whether it be attending services with fellow members or speaking FOR GUIDANCE . throughout the week . directly with a religious leader , both bring a sense of comfort to many in our area . But “ In some ways this has helped since houses of worship have been shuttered due to the pandemic , members of various strengthen my faith because before that , local religious communities have scrambled to find ways to stay connected when they it was just connecting with my church need it most . every Sunday , ” Baer says . In - person services became virtual services online ; Bible studies and other weekly get - togethers took place on Zoom . Despite the challenge of taking something that is Transitioning very communal and adapting it in this time of social distancing , spiritual groups across Starting a new job in the middle of a pan - South Jersey have used these past few months to strengthen their bonds and deepen demic , especially in a place of worship , their beliefs . may seem daunting to some . But for Nikki Passante , who came onboard as associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church Had - donfield on April 1 , “ it made perfect sense . ” that didn’t , religious leaders suddenly had Monsignor Louis Marucci at St . “ God has dealt with me in a funny to become tech geniuses . Andrew the Apostle Church in Gibbsboro way , ” she says . “ I’ve always come into “ How to make virtual services work in understandably had a few concerns right job situations where something is going three days was a stressor , ” says Ben Mad - away , and the first thing his staff addressed on . This is only my third church and each dison , rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal was to make sure the church remained time the church has been in a major tran - Church in Wenonah . “ I am deeply thankful connected to its parishioners . He tasked sition . So the fact that [ former pastor ] I am one of the few millennial , digital the entire parish staff , while they worked Bill Getman was already leaving prepared native clergy in the diocese . The fact that I from home , to develop ways they can me for the pandemic . I was fortunate knew how to use Facebook Live and work provide ongoing connection to the parish - that when I came on , our church was Zoom ; all of that made it much easier . ” ioners , particularly through the use of already livestreaming services . I didn’t “ We hadn’t done virtual services prior technology . have to do what a lot of other ministers to all of this , but I think a lot of us found “ Since we cannot determine what the had to do , which was learn technology . great meaning and comfort in [ them ] , ‘ new norm ’ might be , I have required the Instead of being a pastor , even if they felt different , ” David adds . staff to establish a two - fold method for some have to “ It fills the need , ” says Brian Sattinger , ongoing ministry , ” he says . “ The first that be a producer . ” member and past president of Adath plans with people physically present , yet Emanu - El . “ It’s not the same as being able incorporates the safety requirements to to protect staff and parishioners ; the second see them but it definitely fills a gap . It’s to develop ministry plans using technology nice to see everybody can participate and as we continue to find ways to maintain we can all be connected that way . ” regular connection to the congregation . ” And the high numbers of those attend - Rabbi Benjamin David of Adath ing these online services have spiked . In Emanu - The blessings of January , St . Andrew’s had 854 online view - El in Mount Laurel wanted to make sure virtual worship , ers compared to the more than 15,000 it that he still provided a comforting place if there are any , saw in March . for his vulnerable population . “ The blessings of virtual worship , if “ For me , especially going to a pastoral is that we have there are any , is that we have seen a sig - place with regard to reaching out to seen a significant nificant increase in attendance , ” Maddison our more vulnerable population and those says . “ The more folks I talk to . . . they really that are elderly , responding to widespread increase in feel they are being connected when they fear and anxiety and having the synagogue attendance . ” are disconnected physically . Those are be a place of comfort and reassurance in BEN MADDISON , RECTOR OF great things . ” a time that felt incredibly unnerving and HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL Matthew Baer , a member of Fellowship uncertain was important , ” says David . “ In CHURCH IN WENONAH Alliance Chapel in Medford , says he always some ways , everything changed overnight , had been a faithful person , but after he but I think our tradition and heritage has was furloughed from his job , he relied always prepared us for this kind of moment That doesn’t mean performing services heavily on the church . in that part of what it means to be part of hasn’t come with its challenges . “ The first “ I a community of faith is to respond to few Sundays I did not mind preaching to was pretty scared and wasn’t sure those in need and be there for those who an empty sanctuary , I just pretended the what [ was ] going to happen , ” he recalls . are unsure , and that’s what we did . ” entire congregation was in the camera “ I told myself I need to get back stronger lens . But as the weeks progressed it’s gotten in my faith and work through things hard and exhausting because the sermon that way and I feel like I’m in a better Going Virtual is more than a lecture , ” Passante says . spot spiritually than I was before the While some places of worship already It was taking a toll on Maddison as pandemic . ” offered livestreaming services , for those SOUTH JERSEY MAGAZINE volume 17 issue 4 52 |