SJM_Feature_Learning_to_Adapt_0720_FINAL_Pages 7 / 15 / 20 9 : 23 AM Page 2 vital skill for all leaders . It becomes even BANDING TOGETHER more important during a crisis . I have Leaders from across South Jersey health care systems provide spent a great deal of time communicating an inside look at managing the COVID - 19 pandemic . with our staff , our community , our B Y P E T E R P R O K O trustees , government officials and other health care CEOs . We have devoted tremendous resources to making sure SINCE THE DAYS IN MARCH WHEN THE CORONAVIRUS FIRST BEGAN TO CHANGE LIFE our employees and community under - the COVID - 19 pandemic’s ripple effect has been far and AROUND US AS WE KNEW IT , stand what we are doing to keep them wide reaching . Perhaps no one knows that better than the health care industry which has safe . I have participated in more videos been trying to balance providing care for patients while also learning on the fly all they and livestreamed town hall meetings can about this novel infectious disease . Faced with unprecedented challenges and since March than in my prior seven years rapidly changing circumstances , the men and women who make up our local health care as CEO . ” landscape have been lauded as heroes for their efforts , and rightfully so . While it’s evident that dealing with this crisis has been no easy task , we wanted to go DENNIS W . PULLIN , PRESIDENT AND behind the scenes and get an inside look at South Jersey’s response and the role it CEO , VIRTUA HEALTH : “ From a com - played to help the state flatten its curve . Last month , as part of our ongoing pandemic pletely pragmatic standpoint , the pan - coverage series , we put a spotlight on some of the local doctors and researchers who demic emphasized the need for a leader have played an integral part in helping to combat the virus . This time around , we wanted to be a champion of fiscal solvency . … to delve further into how the local health care system rose to the occasion and so we On a more personal note , this pandemic spoke with leadership from the area hospitals to gain a sense of what it’s been like trying has reminded me that good leaders must to navigate through these murky waters . be good communicators . In times of Though they are still very much dealing with this pandemic day in and day out , these uncertainty , if you don’t communicate , executives were able to share a bit about their experiences thus far and provide a people will write their own narratives to snapshot of what it’s been like trying to manage a crisis of this magnitude . They also told fill in the gaps . Communication needs us why they remain cautious yet optimistic should we face a resurgence of the virus and to be transparent , clear and provide how the measures put into place during the pandemic will bolster their efforts to provide answers . If you don’t yet know the answers , the best care possible to the residents of South Jersey . at least share your process and help employees understand how their role contributes to the whole . ” COVID - 19 is so highly infective and there was no magic bullet in our arsenal to eradicate or manage it , that shifted to At the peak of admissions , what was an 80 percent external focus . Endless your biggest challenge ? And what Q & A hours were spent sorting through data remains your biggest challenge moving and research in pursuit of best practices forward ? Given the unprecedented nature of this that were evolving minute - by - minute . ” pandemic , how has your role as a leader evolved during these past few months ? SWEENEY : “ The biggest challenge was surge planning . When we saw what was BRIAN SWEENEY , PRESIDENT AND COO , happening in New York and North Jersey , ANTHONY J . MAZZARELLI , CO - CEO , JEFFERSON HEALTH NEW JERSEY : “ For we were fortunate in South Jersey because me , it was probably different circum - COOPER UNIVERSITY HEALTH CARE : “ I we had some time . We had good com - stances than for my colleagues that have think the traditional role of a leader is munication channels in place … infor - been in their roles for years . [ ED NOTE : one of having a vision and trying to move mation was coming out from the federal Sweeney became the interim people toward that vision . And during president in government , the Centers for Disease the pandemic , or during a crisis , you not March before being named to the position Control and the New Jersey Department only have that traditional role , but you in June . ] I came from Center City division of Health at such a fast pace and to get start to have one of what psychologists and I had to learn New Jersey pretty people to absorb that while caring for call ‘ holding ’ — you are trying to make quickly . I had to get to know the culture patients was a big challenge . sure the people in your organization feel and the leaders and the processes and “ Now that we are getting back to safe and feel heard and feel protected . policies because we were in a crisis situ - business as normal , how do we do things And so you need to be able to give people ation . It was good to bring my previous parallel and coordinate ? The risk from hope and make sure people understand experience here , but to also balance it now until we get a vaccine or a novel that there is light at the end of the tunnel with the culture of the New Jersey hos - treatment — we need to live and things are going to be OK , but also pitals . It allowed me to meet a lot of in that world be realistic about the people quickly — physicians , nurses — I unknowns . ” managing normal clinical operations got to see the teamwork early on . That side by side with COVID and be ready . has helped me in subsequent months It’s hard to manage two things at once JOSEPH CHIRICHELLA , PRESIDENT AND and now I am building off of that . During of that magnitude . ” CEO , DEBORAH HEART AND LUNG CEN - the crisis , I built new relationships and “ My role , and that of our leadership TER : as we think about our future initiatives , team , was turned upside down . Under PULLIN : “ I think uncertainty was the that will help me . ” normal circumstances , 80 percent of biggest challenge for everyone . Frankly , your time is focused internally on your we are still grappling with uncertainly organization , with 20 percent devoted as we bring services back on line while JOHN DIANGELO , PRESIDENT AND CEO , to external matters . Due to the fact that simultaneously planning for the possibility INSPIRA HEALTH : “ Communication is a SOUTH JERSEY MAGAZINE volume 17 issue 4 44 |