SJM_AskTheExperts_9_24_REG1and2 . qxp_Pages 9 / 19 / 24 10 : 59 AM Page 1 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION ask the questions and answers expert ATTORNEY ATTORNEY DENTIST Can I Get Disability Without Receiving What is a Psychological Parent in New What are Veneers and What are the Medical Treatment ? Jersey ? Benefits ? The short answer is . . . it depends . Realistically A “ Psychological Parent ” in New Jersey is a Placing porcelain veneers is a minimally inva - speaking , unless you are over 60 and spent person who , though not a biological or adop - sive , simple , cosmetic procedure that can im - your life as a laborer , the likelihood of you be - tive parent , has developed a deep and endur - mediately transform your smile and boost ing approved for disability benefits without ing parental relationship with a child . This legal your self - confidence . This is a great option to medical treatment is low , because without concept recognizes that someone who has as - address common dental problems such as medical records , it’s almost impossible to sumed the role of a parent in a child’s life — discoloration , spacing , chipping , and mis - prove your disability . providing daily care , emotional support , and a shapen teeth . Veneers are thin layers of Medical records show the Social Security stable environment — can be granted parental porcelain that are bonded to the outer layer of Administration ( SSA ) the impairments rights even if they lack a biological connection . a tooth and each veneer is custom fabricated you have with objective medical evidence , For an individual to be considered a psy - to ensure a seamless fit . With the advances of including your own reports of symptoms to chological parent , New Jersey courts generally modern dental technology , there is very little medical providers . These are the documents apply a four - pronged test established by the tooth structure that needs to be removed and the SSA reviews to establish medically deter - New Jersey Supreme Court . First , the legal sometimes the enamel does not need to be minable impairments , whether those impair - parent must have consented to and fostered treated at all . ments will last for the 12 months required , the relationship between the child and Having veneers the placed can be an alterna - and how those impairments are expected to psychological parent . Second , the psychologi - tive to braces when you want results without impact your ability to work . What we don’t cal parent and the child must have lived to - the wait . If you are a candidate for veneers , want is an assumption from SSA that your im - gether in the same household . Third , the psy - the process can be completed in as little as pairments are not severe enough to prevent chological parent must have assumed the ob - two appointments . As long as you are main - you from working . ligations of parenthood by taking significant taining good oral hygiene and keeping up with Think about it like this : How can anyone responsibility for the child’s care , education , your six month periodic evaluations and clean - know if your symptoms would quickly improve and development . Finally , a parent - child bond ings , veneers can easily last decades . Veneers with treatment ? How can a judge evaluate must have been forged . are durable and long - lasting . how severe your condition is if you haven’t Once recognized as a psychological par - As we age , our teeth tend to discolor and seen appropriate doctors for evaluation and ent , the individual may be entitled to custody lose vibrancy . Many patients like to use treatment that may improve your functioning , rights similar to those of a biological parent . whitening treatments , but experience uncom - letting you return to work ? Sometimes treat - The court’s primary concern remains the fortable sensitivity and do not have the time to ment can improve your quality of life , but that child’s best interests , ensuring that the child’s repeat the treatments on a consistent basis . does not mean you can work . That’s true for welfare and emotional well - being are pre - Veneers are highly stain - resistant so not only most of our clients , but , making the effort to served , even in complex family dynamics . This do they offer a permanent whitening solution , see doctors and creating a record that can be doctrine helps protect children from the po - but they provide patients with a beautifully re - reviewed to evaluate your conditions is still tential emotional harm of losing a primary stored , youthful smile . The stunning results can improve your the most important thing you can do for your caregiver . overall quality of life and you case . can rest easy knowing that you love your smile once again . " Bross & Frankel , P.A . Florio Perrucci Steinhardt Cappelli & Dorfner Dental Studio Jennifer Stonage Tipton LLC Dr . Rachel Dorfner 725 Kenilworth Ave . Brian Budic , Partner 811 Sunset Rd . Cherry Hill , NJ 08002 1010 Kings Highway South Suite 105 ( 856 ) 795 - 8880 Building 1 , 2nd Floor Burlington , NJ 08016 Cherry Hill , NJ 08034 ( 609 ) 479 - 3757 ( 856 ) 628 - 8377 SOUTH JERSEY MAGAZINE volume 21 issue 6 | 43